Creating positive birthing experiences. Calm, gentle births = calm, gentle babies. Learn hypnotic techniques for a calm, gentle birth.
When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.
HypnoBirthing® is a tried and proven method that guides and prepares a woman in giving birth in a peaceful and beautiful manner. It is a program that considers both the psychological and physical well-being of the mother, her birth partner, and the baby. The skills and techniques taught in a HypnoBirthing class carry over to any birthing environment - whether that be in the quiet of a home, a hospital, or a birth center.
The HypnoBirthing® program is built around an educational process that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, attention to nutrition and positive body toning. Most importantly, it fosters an air of mutual respect for the birthing family, as well as the health-care provider, in a traditional health-care system or an alternative setting.
You have many choices and many decisions to make for your birthing experience. You have choices in selecting your care provider; you have choices in selecting the environment in which you will bring your baby into the world. Another important choice is that of the childbirth education classes you will choose to prepare for the birth of your baby!
HypnoBirthing moms report less pain and fear, fewer unnecessary medical interventions, happier & more alert babies and moms, and fewer cases of post-partum depression.
Call or email to schedule a free 30 minute information session!
Investment: $550
Private classes available

Want to learn more about HypnoBirthing? Sign up for this free info session!

A couple taking HypnoBirthing at NUR Space, practicing their relaxation and pressure-management techniques!

“Excellent opportunity to hold intentional space to prepare for a more relaxed birth, and to reflect on fears & goals. I feel much more solid in my understanding of how birth can be a relaxed experience, and I feel like I now have so many more tools to prepare me for whatever direction my birth takes!”
Katie, 32
“Alison did a tremendous job- I really enjoyed the hypnosis and learning about ways to be an effective birthing partner. This course does a great job of walking you through a very important moment in life and provides valuable techniques and information to empower you!”
Zach, 31
“We got to have her at home and I was in the birth pool which was great! The second half of labor got intense for me, and I managed not to get in too low of a place. I was definitely using the HypnoBirthing visualizations and mantras, like The White Glove and the Pain Switch”